Ladies Auxiliary of the Cedar Ridge Volunteer Fire Company

The Ladies Auxiliary of the Cedar Ridge Volunteer Fire Company is an organization of women who live in the service area of Station 58 of Tuolumne County Fire Department. This includes Cedar Ridge, Comstock Ranch and a portion of Crystal Falls and Big Hill areas. The purpose of the organization is to support our firefighters to purchase equipment that is not supplied by the county. Recently we were able to purchase a portable defibrillator. Station 58 is now one of the few stations in Tuolumne County that as has such a device and in the hands of our trained EMT specialists can be a “life saving: device.
The LACRVFC meets on the second Wednesday of each month in various locations. The meetings are held in members’ home, restaurants or sometimes outdoors at one of the area’s scenic lakes. There are often local speakers or it could be a working meeting. Guest and prospective members are always welcome. Our contact information is la*******@ya***.com or contact us at (209) 499-2279