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Thinking of buying a home in the area

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 8:09 pm
by Gary
Really like your web site and reading about your area! I am thinking about buying a retirement home in the area. Have looked a little in Twain Harte/Sonora area. Searching the internet, found the Cedar Ridge area. Hoping that someone will answer a few questions for me or give me input before I make the trek up there from San Jose?

1. Do you get a large quantity of snow up there? I grew up in So. Lake Tahoe and don't want to shovel 2-3 feet of snow to get out. Don't mind some snow though, just don't want the 6 foot drifts and such!

2. How long would it take me to drive on a normal day to Sonora? Mostly thinking about shopping or emergency medical care.

3. If I bought an existing home up there, could I expect to rent it full time until I retired in a few years? What do average rents go for?

4. How many full time residents are in the Cedar Ridge area?

I may have other questions, but this is a great start. Thanks in advance for anyone who might take the time to answer! PS, if you can, would love to see some photos of the area sites. You may answer these questions or send photos direct to my email if you choose.
Thanks a bunch! :D
Gary and Sandy in San Jose, Ca

Snow and other info about Cedar Ridge

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 10:28 am
by Jay Bunten

Cedar Ridge is between 3700 and 4000 feet. We get occasional snow and sometimes it can get a foot or two deep. The good news is that it usually doesn't stay very long. I would say that if you have to come and go on a schedule a snow blower would be necessary.

The most direct route to Sonora is 9 miles. The drive time depends greatly on the type of driver that you get behind. 95% of the road can be driven at 40 MPH with a speed limit of 35 MPH. But some folks go significantly slower than that and there are no passing zones. The average drive time would be 15 to 20 minutes.

The number of full time residents is just a guess at about 75%.

You can rent your home and rental prices have been on the rise. I think they are about $1000 for the average small home.

There are a couple of photos in our Home Gallery section on the website. The Bunten photo was taken during one of LARGER snowpacks. This pack lasted several weeks and was the largest one in the 13 years that I've lived here. Check back later and I'll put some area photos on the site.



Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 1:57 pm
by Gary
Thanks Jay for so much info. Looking forward to the photos!
Gary in San Jose